Folklore of Kabardino-Balkaria

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Songs of Kabardino-Balkaria

Kabardians and Balkars have a solid folk song heritage. The region’s song folklore consists of many areas: historical, heroic, ritual, lyrical, mourning, workers' songs, wedding songs, dance songs and many others. They are sung on all family and public holidays to the sounds of string orchestras, harmonies and other folk instruments.

Of the local features of the performance of songs, it can be noted that lyrical songs, for example, are sung by married women or girls in the family hearth circle, funeral songs are based on the dates of the death of a hero or the death of a loved one in a war, and
working songs - after the harvest or plowing, with stories about the earth, seedlings, caring for plants and harvesting.

Song folklore of Kabardino-Balkaria has a special poetic imagery. The poetical and musical construction of folk songs usually looks like this: an elderly man starts singing with a singing recitative, and the male choir echoes him with a unison sound - without words, but very musical and expressive.

The soloist usually accompanies singing with gestures and gestures, as if telling the audience about events in which he himself participated. The song continues with new musical intonations and the development of a verbal story. Further, such a singing recitative gradually goes into an almost speech part, retaining only its own metrhythm, and the unison chorus strictly leads its melodic line to the end of the song.

Singers of Kabardino-Balkaria today

Music of Kabardino-Balkaria

Kabardians and Balkars speak different languages, but since ancient times they have been united by a common historical destinies, territory and way of life. There is a lot in common in the music of Kabardians and Balkars. The basis of the folk music of the region is diatonic natural modes, as well as syncopated rhythms. Folk musical instruments of Kabardians and Balkars are also very similar. Thus, the most common string instruments are shyke-pshyn, pshyne-dykuakue, ape-pshyne, kyl-kobuz, wind instruments - nakyre, syryna bzhemiy and sybyzgy, and percussion instruments - phachych, kars and drum. The most famous folk musicians include Sultanbek Abaev, Kyazim Mechiev, Bekmurza Pachev, Kilchuk Sizhazhev and many others.

Dances of Kabardino-Balkaria

Kabardians and Balkarians are famous for their folk dances. In Kabardinians, the most common are: a smooth coupled dance, a lyric dance “Kafa”, a pair “Uj”, as well as a fast and temperamental “Islam”. Of the Balkar dances, the most famous are such as the pair dance “tuz-tepsuse”, a kind of round dance “tegerek-tepsuse” and the mass lyrical dance “abzeh”. Musical dimensions of dancing Kabardians and Balkars: 2 / 4, 4 / 4, 6 / 8. In music with 4 / 4 and 2 / 4 sizes, there are many triplets.

Oral folklore of Kabardino-Balkaria

Initially, in the past, Adyghe, Kabardians and Circassians formed a single people. They also had a common oral folklore, known as Adyghe. The content of the works of Adyghe oral folklore includes tales of heroes (the brave Aidemirkan and Hatkhyo Kochas), soulful lyrical poems, many different fairy tales and stories, everything that constitutes the common property of the three peoples.

The most important historical events in the life of the people, the national customs of the inhabitants of the region and their ideas about the ideal hero-hero were imprinted in oral folk art. People who skillfully performed various works of oral folk art were very respected and popular among the people. Their name was “jeguaco”, which means “player”, or artist. The heroes of Adyghe fairy tales always defeated their enemies - cruel, envious princes, terrible monsters. Heroes also fought with giants - inizhi. The hero always turns out to be both stronger and wiser than these giants. People have always appreciated a joke and a sharp word. That is why tales about the tricks of Khozho (known to other peoples as Khoja Nasreddin) were and still are very popular.

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