Margarita Biragova: “Strong women in fashion!”

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Popular singer and author Margarita Biragova presented to the public an amazing novelty - the song "Do not panic, mom!". What is it - the revelation of a strong woman or the cry of the soul? And why is this song the maestro calls one of his favorites? Margarita told how the idea of ​​this track was inspired ...

“The image of a strong woman has entrenched in me. But they are not born strong, they become. We managed to learn a lot in life: love, betrayal, and faithful friendship and vile betrayal. In the most difficult periods of my life, I recall the instructions of my mother, her wise advice and life stories.

Mom was an actress, in her youth she danced in well-known bands of the North Caucasus, toured a lot, graduated from GITIS and became a stage director. She had a wealth of experience in art and life. She was always proud of me and believed in my success. But, unfortunately, she died early. She's gone already 12 years, but I still hear her voice behind her back. Today the world is going crazy, values ​​have changed, everything worthy is lost in the stream of egoism, pathos and vanity. Even on the stage everything was low. I always know what my mother would say to all of this, still try to be a good girl and mentally tell her: “Do not panic, mother, do not panic! Everything's under control!".

Margarita Biragova wrote the song “Without Panic, Mom!” Two years ago, and now, when the time has come to perform it, she emphasizes with a smile that every year this composition becomes even more relevant.


“This is a character song like I love. In it, I say everything I think, without false modesty. Yes, I am a bird of high flight, someone will dare to challenge this? .. Although in life I am simple and open, I am already too adult not to know my worth, after all, "four years and forty"! Many people liked this track, especially those who are used to fighting and winning! Strong women are in fashion! ”

Undoubtedly, the track “No Panic, Mom!” Will resonate in the hearts of all the brave, bright, self-sufficient fans of the artist’s creativity, those women who, in spite of everything, have never betrayed themselves! The song is already available for listening and downloading on the Internet.

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