Preparation for the concert of Aris Appayev (Aris Appaev) in the House of Culture of Trade Unions of Nalchik is nearing completion.
On March 28, numerous fans of the artist and guests of the unique concert program will celebrate together the “Day of Revival of the Balkar People”, to which this event is timed.
We managed to learn about the details of the preparation and the upcoming program of the concert from the concert director Aris Zhanna Chochaeva.
“The concert program will be very diverse, because not a single Aris concert is like another,” says Zhanna, “but, as a rule, we try to form a performance of three thematic sections or blocks. The division is conditional, according to the dynamics or meaning of the compositions. And we fill the gaps between blocks with either dance numbers or performances by guests of the evening. In any case, the audience will never be bored.
It is worth noting that this year a lot of guests will come to Nalchik, more than usual. The editors of the Zvuk-M music publishing house believe that this is due to both the declared theme of the upcoming concert and the artist's increased popularity. In addition, in 2016, the show in Nalchik was not held due to the high employment of Aris - just at that time he was on tour abroad and was physically unable to escape to Russia.
Stars of the Caucasian variety art Islam and Karina Kish, Artur Gongapsh, Alim and Radmila Appayev, Milana Appaeva, Rasul Kabardokov, Leila Dzhappueva, as well as guests from Moscow Yan Hubiyev and rising star Lina Fox expressed their desire to attend the event.
“Many people decided to support the upcoming concert with their participation,” says Zhanna Chochaeva, “and we would be glad to see everyone, but unfortunately, we are limited in time. Thanks to everyone who will spend this evening with us.
Due to the large number of participants, Zhanna suggests that the concert will last longer than the usual one and a half hours - perhaps two hours or even more.
The editors of our publishing house believe that the concert program will continue even longer. We came to this conclusion by studying the composition of the guests of the event and the proposed program of Aris himself. Moreover, as we just learned, in addition to the already well-known invited guests, the children’s dance group “Sunny Pearl” from Nalchik has been announced to participate in the concert.
As for the audience, according to our information, people bought tickets to the concert not only from Nalchik, but also from other cities of the North Caucasus. At the time of publication of 1000 tickets, more 900 was sold out, so those who want to hurry. After all, Aris's performances are always very popular in the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria, and 2017 is no exception the year.
The exact program of the concert is still being specified, but it will necessarily include songs in Balkar, Russian and English languages. The compositions will be performed in the Kabardian language - they will be performed by the guests of the program. Genres of songs: rock, pop rock, hip-hop, soul, folk songs and ballads.
Viewers will hear Aris' well-known hits, such as “You're My Desire” - the track has been rotated on international radio stations for several years; “Kara Kara”, “No no” and others.
Among the novelties, the singer is going to present both relatively recently released songs and never heard before. In general, up to a quarter of all the songs in the concert will be new tracks. In particular, the compositions will also sound from the new album of the singer under the title “No no”, the output of which is planned for the end of spring 2017 of the year. The album will include ten tracks, including remixes of the same name from different DJs. Thus, the guests of the concert are presented with a unique opportunity to be the first to evaluate songs that no one has heard before.
In addition, on March 28, we will hear the singer's favorite fans “I've Become Your Habit”, “Unutma Meni”, “Dream” and other famous tracks. It is known that the song "Kech Meni" will sound, but in a special arrangement, which will be a surprise for Aris's fans.
“Aris always develops and approves the upcoming concert program himself,” says Zhanna. “And often this work goes on until the last day and even until the last hour.” In order to achieve maximum harmony and entertainment, it can change even on the day of the event. This applies not only to the list of songs, but also to lighting, scenery, line-up of participants, clothing, placement of people on stage - literally every detail.
Now rehearsals are actively being held in Moscow, in the studio “Aris Records”, the performance of all the compositions planned for presentation at the concert is being honed there. The arrival of Ariza in Nalchik is expected by fans in the middle of next week. After that, the direct work of the whole team on preparing the stage will begin - delivery and erection of the scenery, installation and inspection of the lighting and sound systems, the design of the hall, the solution of other organizational and technical issues.
“Aris always delves into all the problems himself when organizing a concert, especially in Nalchik,” says Zhanna. “For this city, he has no small details.” He must know for sure that nothing is missing, everything is under control, there will be no failures or disappointed spectators. Moreover, the sound will be “live”, and this places special demands on all musicians, on all their movements on stage. The scenery and arrangement are also designed and manufactured individually for each performance. This is a huge job with many details and performers.
Aris tries to give each performance in an unusual and unique way, for this reason a lot of things are traditionally made to order and used only on one stage. The audience of Ariza is multinational, therefore all parts of the concert correspond to the guests' expectations to the maximum.
The organizers of the concert also plan to hold a fundraising for the charity campaign “Helping a Sick Child”. And after it, everyone will be able to take pictures with artists and get an autograph. There will also be promotions in the form of selling artist's discs and other related events.
“We understand that the hall will not be able to accommodate everyone who wants to listen to Aris and his guests,” says Zhanna Chochaeva with visible disappointment, “that is why there will definitely be a professional video recording of the concert, which, after editing and mixing, will become available to everyone on the Internet. Filming and editing will be carried out by a special team from Moscow led by Mikhail Konov, the 3D light show will be held under the direction of Alexander Novikov, so quality is guaranteed.
Musical publishing house “Zvuk-M” wishes Aris Appaev and his team to perform successfully, and all viewers - to get the maximum pleasure from this performance.
Tickets for the concert of Aris Appaeva can still be bought at the box office of the Palace of Culture of Trade Unions at the address: Nalchik, Kuliev avenue d.12 or order by phone 89289125578.
For those who could not afford to get to the concert of Aris Appayev, we suggest listening to some tracks directly on our website.