Aidamir Eldarov “I’ll Pick You Up” - listen to the new song!

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Aydamir Eldarov presented the single "I'll take you"

Aidamir Eldarov @aidamir_eldarov lately it often pleases fans with fresh tracks. As the artist promised, less than a week has passed, and yet another novelty is already out - a dynamic song called "I'll Take You"!

Aidamir Eldarov
Aidamir Eldarov

“It was written by Zumrud Musieva, with whom we are now actively working,” says Aidamir, “the original version of this composition was slightly different, and the track was called “My Adygea.” But in the process of working on the project, with the consent of the author, we slightly changed the words and title of the song. In order, as they say, to somewhat “expand the geography” of her listeners.
I hope the audience will like our new track no less than the previous ones, because “I'll Take You” turned out to be beautiful, lyrical, but at the same time, funny, danceable, youthful ”.

Listen and download Aidamir Eldarov's song "I'll Take You"

Aydamir Eldarov
Aydamir Eldarov

Lyrics of Aidamir Eldarov's song "I'll Take You"

There are so many beautiful girls on earth
Among them I found that my heart is closer to me
I am ready to fight for her, that there is strength
How often do I dream

Throwing back her gentle gaze immediately embarrassed
Slender figure, he suddenly lost his head
Only one thing he repeats tirelessly
I knew love with you

I do not take my eyes off you
I will not accept your refusal
I will offer my hand, heart
And I will take with me

I do not take my eyes off you
I will not accept your refusal
You will be the best wife
I'll take you with me

Believe me, I recognize you from a thousand
To me your eyes are a diamond
There is no more beautiful than this girl, I know
Everything will work out with us

Eyes black as night, I was captivated
What should I do, I'm going crazy for her
Talked to me about it, talked about it
That I will love you

I do not take my eyes off you
I will not accept your refusal
I will offer my hand, heart
And I will take with me

I do not take my eyes off you
I will not accept your refusal
You will be the best wife
I'll take you with me

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