Alishka presented a new track - “The Thief's Share”

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Alishka presented a new song - “The Thieves' Share”

Artist: Alishka @ali_osmanovv
Title: "Thieves share"

Listen and download the song Alishka "Thieves' share"


Lyrics of Alishka "Share of thieves"

I've been stealing a lot for years
And fate became harsh for me
And now I am writing, dear, ay, mama-jan
This is the share of thieves
And now I am writing, dear, ah, mama-jan
This is the share of thieves

Mountains obeyed our honor
And I went along the road of a thief
Mama, don't be sad, dear ah, mama-jan
The son does not need another fate
Mama, don't be sad, dear ah, mama-jan
You know I like life like this

I am now sitting in Azerbaijan
Behind bars the sun beckons me
Thoughts with you, I'm dear, oh, mom-jan
This is the share of thieves
I dream of freedom alone, ah, mama jan
This is the share of thieves

Courage removes all shackles
Above life here is a masculine word
Don't worry about me ah, mama jan
My brothers are here by my side
Don't worry about me ah, mama jan
Your son will never become a bastard

Let the sadness trouble my heart
Dagestanis and Chechens are nearby
Nearby are the Circassians, Ossetians, ay, mama-jan
With them in spirit we are always one
There are Ingush and Georgians nearby ai, mama-jan
With them in spirit we are always one

Let the trouble shoot me right
You can't put a thief's heart in a cage
And now I am writing to you dear ay, mama-jan
This is the share of thieves
And now I am writing to you, dear, ay, mama-jan
This is the share of thieves

How do you live there, my dear
I often remember our house
You warm the heart of a thief with love, ay, mama-jan
I believe that I will return to you soon
You warm the heart of a thief with love, ay, mama-jan
I believe that I will return to you soon

In the meantime, I'm humming a song
I dedicate to all the thieves of the Caucasus
We spent their years together ay, mama-jan
And we kept freedom in our souls
Don't worry about me ah, mama jan
My brothers are here by my side

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