Aris shared his creative plans for 2021

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2020, remembered by everyone for forced self-isolation and travel restrictions, Aris @arisappaevofficial conducted very fruitfully. Constantly working in the studio, the artist wrote over 100 new compositions, as well as thought over the idea of ​​creating a new creative project. What it will be, the performer said in an interview.


— Aris, tell us about the work done in 2020.

— Like everyone else, my life was also in turmoil, but I spent self-isolation not at home, but in a music studio, writing songs in different genres. The result was about 120 compositions, including full songs and melodies in the minimal and deep house styles. Now I want to collect it all, finish it and release it.

— Besides this, what other plans are planned for the coming year?

“I’ve been looking for a suitable image for myself all this time and, it seems, I’ve decided on it.” Now you need to build your repertoire in the same style. Therefore, I want to slightly rework all the songs in different languages ​​that were recorded earlier and present them to the public in a single style.
Also, if the restrictions that have arisen in connection with the pandemic are lifted, I am going to develop a touring business. The project involves developing an idea for concerts that could be taken around cities. The program is intense, the performance is live: DJing mixed with live instruments. A mixture of styles such as deep house and pop rock. I would like people attending the performance to be able to feel all the energy embedded in the program.

- Well, we sincerely wish that these plans come true! What would you like to wish your listeners in the coming year?

- I wish everyone a lot of joy, happiness, love, a positive attitude! Despite any problems, do not give up, move forward! After all, after difficult moments that are given to us as a test, there always comes relief and a new wonderful life. Face adversity with a smile and don’t lose faith. Let everything be fun, good, kind.

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