Aris presented the single "Wrong" (Ars remix)

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Remix on track released Arisa "Invalid"

Aris's song @arisappaevofficial "Unfaithful" appeared on digital platforms two months ago and immediately achieved success among fans of the artist's work. Having received many positive reviews, the performer decided to continue working on the project and today presented a remix of the composition.


“A talented musician worked on the track, my friend Ars @arskosheev“,” says Aris, “he took a creative approach to creating the remix, it turned out great, and I am sure that the new single will attract the attention of those who have not yet heard the original song.
And then we plan to release another mix for the same song. There are a lot of ideas! "

It is already possible to listen to "Unfaithful" (Ars remix) on digital streaming platforms and on our website.

Listen and download Aris's song "Unfaithful (Ars Remix)"


Lyrics of Aris "Unfaithful (Ars Remix)"

You told me once for eternal love
love drove mad with her gaze in the flame

All your promises are not worth a penny
yes you are beautiful, but inside there is only emptiness
go for a walk now for a walk baby goodby

All your promises are not worth a penny
yes you are beautiful, but inside there is only emptiness
go for a walk now for a walk baby goodby

A familiar look glides over my
don't touch the bully's heart, I'll buy this night

All your promises are not worth a penny
yes you are beautiful, but inside there is only emptiness
go for a walk now for a walk baby goodby

All your promises are not worth a penny
yes you are beautiful, but inside there is only emptiness
go for a walk now for a walk baby goodby

All your promises are not worth a penny
yes you are beautiful, but inside there is only emptiness
go for a walk now for a walk baby goodby
go for a walk now for a walk baby goodby

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