Arthur Sargsyan “Friends” - single premiere!

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A new song dedicated to the eternal theme of friendship and devotion was released today. Introduced a track called "Friends" a popular Caucasian performer Artur Sargsyan @artur_sarkisyan_official. According to him, this composition is like a musical toast - with wishes of happiness, it sounds in honor of loved ones who have been tested more than once by time, but have always remained reliable, kind and loyal friends.

Artur Sargsyan
Artur Sargsyan

“It’s true that you can’t have too many friends. This is why they are more valuable. I would like to wish everyone not to know disappointments, to be confident in loved ones, to feel their support and to be satisfied with life!” - the singer comments.

You can already listen to Arthur Sargsyan’s song “Friends” on digital platforms and on our website.

Listen and download Arthur Sargsyan’s song “Friends”


Lyrics of Arthur Sargsyan’s song “Friends”

I will raise this toast for friends
For the most faithful and honest people
With me close, close, close
Only friends, only friends

May your happiness be full
Let laughter and joy be only in him
And just let me meet with you
My old age

Let never, never
No trouble awaits you anywhere
Meet you everywhere
Only friends only friends

Let never, never
No trouble awaits you anywhere
Meet you everywhere
Only friends only friends

Do you remember my friend once upon a time
Friendship told us only in the movies
In response with a smile you said then
No, we are friends forever

So it was and always will be
Everyone has a family and must have friends
And this toast of mine is drawing to a close
Know i appreciate you and love you

Let never, never
No trouble awaits you anywhere
Meet you everywhere
Only friends only friends

Let never, never
No trouble awaits you anywhere
Meet you everywhere
Only friends only friends

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