Arthur Khalatov: "This year was difficult for me ..."

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2017 year is coming to an end, which means it’s time to take stock and plan new creative plans for the upcoming year. It was for this purpose that the head of the music publishing house “Zvuk-M” met yesterday. Mikhail Yugov and popular artist Arthur Khalatov.

Speaking about the results of the expiring period, the singer noted that health problems somewhat knocked him out of the schedule:

“This year was difficult for me. The disease knocked me down a bit, and it turned out that I did not make a single clip. But, despite this, I got a few new great songs. For example, "My very", "Sweet." They rotate successfully, people love them very much.

Large-scale work is planned for next year. I want to get on federal TV channels and radio stations with the help of Zvuk-M,” says Arthur.

These prospects were discussed at the meeting. According to Mikhail Yugov, all this is feasible, and now for this purpose the company's specialists are developing a detailed promotional plan.

In 2018, Artur Khalatov’s fans are waiting for new songs, music videos, and the singer is planning to organize a tour.

“They write to me from many cities, asking to come with solo concerts. I would like to bring these plans to life. In music updates, I think more emphasis should be placed on duets. I noticed that the public loves them very much. For example, the song "Chances Nil", which we sing with Angelica Nacheva, or “White rose, red scarlet”, which we perform with Albina и Fati Tsarikaevs - these are the compositions that are gaining enormous popularity in terms of the number of views on YouTube.”

In addition, as of January 2018, the release of the song “Lanterns” will take place, which is already being listened to and loved by Khalatov fans.

“I wanted to say a big thank you to all my listeners for their love! I also want to congratulate everyone on the upcoming New Year and wish them health, prosperity, and happiness! Listen to good, cheerful music so that your soul is always happy!” - the artist summed up.

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