In honor of the victory of the Russian team in a football match with Spain, Arthur Khalatov shaved his beard for the first time in 7 years
The Football Wave of the World Cup has captured fans from different countries. Even those who are far from the game are watching with interest the course of the matches and, most importantly, our whole country is proud of the series of victories that our team has already won in several meetings.
But yesterday's victory of Russia in the 1 / 8 final match with the Spanish national team caused a new storm of emotions among football fans: the main game time ended with the 1: 1 score, which did not change in extra time either. Therefore, the outcome of the game was determined by a penalty shoot-out, after which the Russian team was declared the winner.
Popular Caucasian Performer Arthur Khalatov - an ardent fan. Yesterday, he was so pleased with the result of the match that he promised his subscribers in the social network to shave off his beard that 7 couldn’t part with for years, and then put the question to the vote: do you leave your mustache? The voices split 50 into 50, and Arthur made the decision ...
Arthur Khalatov shaved his beard live
As promised, the next day, the artist went to the salon, where he performed the given word live - shaved off his beard, but left a “mustache” of hope.
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Arthur Khalatov: “I don’t waste words”
“Many people wrote to me that they thought I was bluffing and wouldn’t do it. But I don’t throw words to the wind. Of course, I had to overcome myself somewhere, reluctantly deciding to do this, because parting with a beard is something painful for me. But if Russia can defeat Spain, then I can defeat myself! I believe in our team and hope for its success!” says Arthur.