Aslan Tlebzu is preparing to release a new album!

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Popular musician Aslan Tlebzu working on recording a new album. It will be called “FREEDOM”, and the playlist will consist of only the author's compositions, on which the artist worked 1,5 of the year.

“The album will include 14 tracks. I was in search of my next stylistic direction. Each sound, each chord in the new compositions in front of me paints a certain picture. I want to say that I created last year a new music and drama show under the same name of the album “FREEDOM”, which, in principle, included music from the new album, it was calculated that way. The music that was already performed in the show program created a sensation among listeners and viewers. I really hope that this album will live up to all my hopes that my listener will hear something new for themselves,” says the musician.

“FREEDOM” - a music and theatrical show under the direction of Aslan Tlebzu - the first in the Caucasus
“FREEDOM” is a musical and theatrical show led by Aslan Tlebzu, the first of this scale in the Caucasus. The release of the album of the same name is expected in the fall of 2017.

“FREEDOM”, according to Aslan Tlebzu, will be released this fall and will be available on all major music services, including: iTunes, Google play, Apple music. Music Beeline, Yandex Music.

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