Aslan Tlebzu spoke about how an ethnic show went in the UAE

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Concert AROOVAK "ETHNIKA" successfully held in Sharjah

The large-scale international socio-cultural project of AROOVAK “ETHNIK” was held within the walls of the Main Hall of the American University of Sharjah (UAE). Many people came to see a concert showing the history and rich cultural heritage of the Circassians.

Large-scale international project AROOVAK "ETHNIK" took place in the city of Sharjah (UAE)
Large-scale international project AROOVAK "ETHNIK" took place in the city of Sharjah (UAE)

President of the organization "Ethnics", a popular composer and performer Aslan Tlebzu said that the evening was grandiose and made a huge impression on the public, which means the main goal of the event - presenting Adyghe culture to local and foreign spectators - was achieved.

Aslan Tlebzu
Aslan Tlebzu

“We were very happy to see the happy eyes and sincere smiles of the audience. I still get a lot of warm, wonderful reviews and comments, judging by which, we can say that the guests were delighted! I want to emphasize the fact that until today, in the UAE, such events have never been held among our compatriots.

On my own behalf and on the members of the organization “ETHNIK”, I express my deep gratitude to the leaders of AUS of Sharjah! In particular, the representative of AROOVAK "ETHNIK" in the UAE Yar Tlebzu @ wasapslibzo. The event was attended by: Consul General of Russia in the UAE, Vice Consul Rustam Kanokov, representatives of AROOVAK Ethnika in Jordan and organizers of the largest international festivals in the UAE.

Concert AROOVAK "ETHNIKA" successfully held in Sharjah
Concert AROOVAK "ETHNIKA" successfully held in Sharjah

Today, AROOVAK ETHNIKA is starting work on another major international project that will unite several creative teams, but we will tell about this in more detail later. The other day, an agreement was signed on the cultural cooperation of AROOVAK ETHNIK and the Ahli Club of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, which gives both parties tremendous opportunities to work together fully in the cultural space.

The signing of the agreement on cultural cooperation AROOVAK "ETHNIK" and the Ahl-Club of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
The signing of the agreement on cultural cooperation AROOVAK "ETHNIK" and the Ahl-Club of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

And now we offer you to see a photo report from the event of the AROOVAK “ETHNIK”.

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