Name: Sergey Kolesnichenko
Date of Birth: November 7.07.1959, XNUMX
Place of Birth: Baku city
Kind of activity: Baku chanson, author and performer of his songs
Endurance: from 1989
The genre in which I work: chanson
Collaborations with: Eteri Beriashvili, Mila Ikonskaya, Timur Temirov, Huseyn Manapov, Khayyam Nisanov, Zhora Bakinsky, Para Grek
Most famous songs: “You are always alone in my soul”, “My woman”, “Here they go”, “Ships in the sea”, “Hey you, my jana”.
Inspired by: Love for your work and your city. I have a big cycle of songs dedicated to Baku. I love the city in which I lived and was born.
The secret of success: Inexplicable. There is a chuik on hits ...
✎ Phone for contact with Sergey Kolesnichenko: +7 (915) 116-17-95