Azamat Bekov presented a new single - “Circassians, we are with you”!

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Composition "Circassians, we are with you", to the words of Magomed Zalikhanov and music Azamata Bekova, Is a musical revelation of a Circassian who tells his son about their roots, the history of their ancestors and their valor.

Azamat Bekov
Azamat Bekov

“Mentions of the country of the ruler Kes date back to the 10th century,” comments Azamat, “then the subjects of the psha Kes (Kas) began to be called Circassians. The people themselves, as well as the chronicler Shora Nogma, attribute the most ancient origin of the Circassians to the Ants. Antykhe - that’s what they called themselves.
After many centuries, the name of the people changed to "Circassians" (in Russian archives it was recorded as "Cherkasy"), and it began to deservedly express a greater meaning: "Circassians are the one who conquered human weaknesses and vices with will and strength of mind. Everything in him: from clothing, appearance, lifestyle and to etiquette is subordinated to this. "
Scattered around the world by a tragic fate, having lost their homeland and the ability to speak their native language, the Circassians, wherever they lived, kept Adyghe Khabze, showed honor and valor.
These covenants were passed from father to son, and this is what my new song is dedicated to. "

Listen to the composition of Azamat Bekov "Circassians, we are with you" on the largest music services and on our website.

Listen and download Azamat Bekov's song "Circassians, we are with you"


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