Name: Bishtov Azamat Shatbievich
Date of Birth: 5th of December 1991
Place of Birth: Maykop
Ranks: Honored Artist of the KChR, Honored KBR, Honored Artist of the Republic of Adygea
Education: higher (MSTU)
Start a music career: November 2010, XNUMX
Albums and singles: “Between Two Hearts” (album), “One Hundred Reasons” (album), “My Pain” (single), “White Rose - Date” (single), “My Adygea” (album), “Elbrus” (single)
Life motto: “Everything will be fine!”
A. Bishtov: “Music for me is life...”
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Biography of Azamat Bishtov
Azamat Bishtov was born in Maykop on December 5, 1991. Since childhood, he began to show his creative abilities. He was not afraid to speak in public, imagined himself a musician, and even fell asleep with a harmonica in his hands.

As a schoolboy, he entered the Children’s Municipal Ensemble of the Circassian dance “Dawns of Maykop”, where he received his first experience on stage, and at the age of 14 the future artist independently learned to play the harmonica and other national instruments. Leaving the ensemble, from 17 to 18 years old Azamat was a soloist of the State Academic Folk Dance Ensemble of Adygea “Nalmes”.
After graduating from school, Azamat entered the Adygea State University. And, mastering the profession of a lawyer, in his free time, he studied music at the same time - he performed at weddings and other celebrations. His manner of performing songs sunk into the soul of the audience. He was already a popular singer when he decided to record his first song. So, the composition “Better It Is Not” was released, which instantly became a hit.
Following her, the artist released several more tracks that brought him even greater popularity, including duets with Anzhelika Nacheva, Liliya Shaulukhova and Murat Thagalegov.
Bishtov’s first album, “One Hundred Reasons,” recorded together with the music publishing house “Zvuk-M,” was released in 2011. It included hits: “Heart (with Murat Thagalegov), “Blue Night”, “I’ll Let You Go” (with Anzhelika Nacheva), “Vodka is Bitter Water”, “Stop”, “Dance (with Liliya Shaulukhova)” and “I Walk Drunk” .
Then came the video version of the recital.
The audience and fans of the artist grew to Russian, and then his concerts with success began to take place even in Cyprus and Turkey.
In 2013, the artist’s digital album “Between Two Hearts” went on sale, which included such hits as “Bitter Tea”, “Between Two Hearts” and “Love is a Thief”. After which a video of the solo program “Flame of Love” was released on YouTube.
Subsequently, the artist released many singles in different languages. It is noteworthy that almost every new song of Azamat instantly becomes a hit.
In March 2016, Bishtov presented his first video - a romantic video love story for the song “My Pain”.
Now the artist’s life is filled with tours around Russia and abroad, and the singer traditionally spends every year recital in hometown - Maykop
Azamat Bishtov married to singer Fatima Dzibova.

They got married on October 8, 2016, and after 2 years they born daughter. Artists have repeatedly presented to the public duet songs, and listeners always warmly greet all their joint compositions.
Azamat has a sea of creative plans. The singer is tireless and devotes work almost all his time. And this is not surprising, because when asked what music is for him, he, without hesitation, answers - “this is my whole life!”