“Give me fire” - the premiere of the song and video by Rustam Nakhushev took place

Premieres"Give me fire" - the premiere of the song and video by Rustam Nakhushev

Concert videos

New in the repertoire Rustam Nakhusheva - the artist presented the song "Give me fire" and a video for this song

The lyrics and music for the track were written by Anna Kalaycheva

Anna Kalaicheva
Anna Kalaicheva

“Often, my songs are born in the process of communicating with artists or in the process of observing them,” says the author, “I feel people very well, and I liked Rustam not only for his character - sedate, well-mannered, but also for his vocal delivery, energy, approach to the selection of songs - they are meaningful and deep.
I wanted to write a life composition for him that touched on important issues. “Give me fire” is a song that life is long and, even though we sometimes make mistakes and part with our loved ones, there is always a chance to overcome difficulties and be together again, having survived difficult stages. The hero of the composition says between the lines to his beloved: “let's forget everything and start over, be my muse, give me fire, give me faith, give me life. Be my soul mate, the way the Creator intended you, so that we can be together and support each other in difficult times.”
Rustam perfectly conveyed the energy of this song. Undoubtedly, in his performance and in a gorgeous arrangement - the highlight of this track. I really like the combination of guitar and violin, the way it is vividly used in music. The moment when the arranger made the guitar cry… It is very beautiful and accurately conveys the mood of the whole composition ”.

A video was filmed for the song "Give Me Fire", which also premiered today

Rustam Nakhushev
Rustam Nakhushev

“We shot the video in Moscow,” comments Rustam Nakhushev @ r.nahushev, — the colorful locations of the capital perfectly complement the dynamics of the new track. I really hope that listeners will appreciate the project! I am pleased to present this new product and want to thank the entire friendly team who put a lot of effort and creativity into this work!”

Listen and download Rustam Nakhushev's song "Give me fire"


Lyrics of Rustam Nakhushev's song "Give me fire"

Give me life, give me love, fire

Don't you know that anything is possible
And you just have to wait
How glad to come back to us again
And cover us in a new way

We don't want to blame anyone with you anymore
Years that have not lived in vain to stir up
It was and it was, and now it's gone
You are with me, I am with you, what more do we want?

Give me fire, give me old eternity
Give life and give faith in yourself
Let me understand your essence - carelessness
Give me life, give me love, fire

Give me fire, give me old eternity
Give life and give faith in yourself
Let me understand your essence - carelessness
Give me life, give me love, fire

Give me fire, give me old eternity
Give life and give faith in yourself
Let me understand your essence - carelessness
Give me life, give me love, fire

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