Aidamir Mugu's Birthday

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Today, 16 April marks 27 years to one of the most popular Caucasian pop singers - Aidamir Mugu.

Like many performers, due to the busy concert schedule Aydamir does not always have the opportunity to celebrate his birthday. And now he is on the road - heading home after yesterday’s performance in Kazan. But this situation does not upset the artist in any way for several reasons: “There have been such cases more than once in my life when I celebrated my birthday at work. And besides, I consider it the most ordinary holiday. For example, I prefer New Year, March 8, May 9. These holidays are more meaningful to me because they are national. And a birthday is simply, as they say, plus one year to life...”, shared the artist.

And although celebrating this day is not always obtained, Aydamir prefers to do this with his family or friends. Whose company is he counting on tonight if he manages to return at a not too late time.

Aidamir Mugu: I wanted a car, and my father gave me one that turned out to be much better than I could imagine!
Aidamir Mugu: I wanted a car, and my father gave me one that turned out to be much better than I could imagine!

In response to the question “what was the most memorable surprise you made on your birthday?”, The artist said with a smile: “It was presented by my father. He gave me a car for my eighteenth birthday. For me it was unexpected. I was very surprised and very happy! I wanted a car, and my father presented me with one that turned out to be much better than I could imagine and more expensive than I expected ... ”.

But a birthday is a time not only for pleasant memories, but also a kind of occasion for summing up some results. Speaking about the professional successes that he managed to achieve by the age of 27, Aidamir notes that there is a lot of work ahead: “I cannot say that I am absolutely satisfied with what I have achieved, since there is still room for improvement and growth. There are new plans and goals in life and only when I achieve them will I be satisfied. In the meantime, the artist has only one prospect: recording new songs, shooting new videos, searching for new hits to delight listeners and viewers!”

Aidamir prefers to celebrate his birthday with his family. Photos from the personal archive of the artist.
Aidamir prefers to celebrate his birthday with his family. Photos from the personal archive of the artist.

On behalf of the music publishing house Sound-M and the radio station Kavkaz Hit, we heartily congratulate Aydamir Mugu on his birthday and wish him new creative successes, personal happiness and well-being! We hope that the artist’s plans will come true, well, and for our part, we will help him in this!

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