"Disco with its own music library" in Novosibirsk

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On May 24, photographs and videos appeared on social networks and the media showing dozens of people having fun and dancing, having organized a massive party in the center of Novosibirsk (on Lenin Square), while violating the self-isolation regime. News that they should “dance to COVID” instantly spread across the Internet, supported by photos and videos, including a video of people dancing to the song Sultana Hurricane и Murat Thagalegova “To the disco!”

According to the RIA Novosti portal, after the city and regional authorities asked the police to conduct an inspection, the police identified and prosecuted the organizers and some of the participants in the event.

Earlier, the head office explained that for about an hour from 23:30 (19:30 Moscow time) on May 23, on Lenin Square in Novosibirsk there were about 50 young people who talked noisily and turned on music in cars. Young people dispersed after a conversation with the police.

At the same time, the police stated that the video recording of the incident posted on the Internet was partially fake, since part of the video material was filmed at a different time and added “most likely in order to artificially increase the number of people who were on Lenin Square at the specified time.”

According to the ZNAK portal, a check is being carried out on the fact of publication - the authenticity of photos and videos that could possibly have been taken at another time is being verified.

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