Fatima Kushkhova. "My Melody"

Fatima Kushkhova. "My Melody"

Fatima Kushkhova

"My Melody"

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A new song by Fatima Kushkhova has been released - “My Melody”
My melody is what I hear in my head every day. These are the sounds of nature, the music that I like, and even the voices of my loved ones. My melody can change depending on my mood and situation.
I love listening to music that helps me relax and calm down. It can be something calm and melodic, like classical or jazz. Sometimes I listen to music to energize and cheer up.
My melody is also the sounds of nature. I like to listen to the sound of rain or the sea, the singing of birds or the sound of the wind playing with the leaves of the trees. These sounds help me relax and forget about problems.
But my melody is not limited to music and the sounds of nature. It also includes the voices of my family and friends. When I talk to them, I hear their voices and intonations, which are very important to me.
In general, my melody is a combination of different sounds and voices that help me feel comfortable and confident in any situation.