The premiere of the video of Islam and Karina Kish “Di embankment” (“Our happiness”) has taken place!
Circassian song written Anzor Haup, formed the basis of the plot of the video about two lovers who, in spite of everything and against all odds, want to be together. The director and screenwriter was Islam Kishev himself, together with Arsen Dyshekov (chief videographer, cameraman and editor). The talented videographer Murat Dzuyev also took part in the filming.

“Di mound” is a love story taken from the life of many lovers when a girl from a wealthy family falls in love with a simple guy who her family can’t accept at all, ”says Islam. characters and situations, and a small action ... ".

The cast for filming was selected from friends and colleagues of Islam and Karina Kish. Thus, the role of the main character’s father was played by Akhmed Khamurzov (Kabardian theater actor), and the role of the mother was played by Zalina Elkan (stylist, makeup artist). The comedic role of the maid went to the artists’ friend, Ermila (blogger). It is noteworthy that the author of the composition, Anzor Khaupa, is also involved in the episode.

“The whole team worked like a big united family! To everyone who has made even the slightest effort to create this video, many thanks! We made it together, and it is very pleasing and inspiring.
As for the plot, we will not reveal all the cards, watch the video for the song “Dee bulk” and do not blink! ” - says Islam.