Gosh Grachevsky plans to sing at a fashion show live

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Recently, as part of the “Street Fashion Show 2019” during the show of designer Oksana Zyryanova models took to the podium to the song of Gosha Grachevsky "No need for another". So the audience gathered at a fashionable event in St. Petersburg, first met with the new composition of the artist, which recently came out.


After the show, Gosh told an interview about how the idea of ​​cooperation with Oksana was born and what plans they have for the future.

Gosha Grachevsky
Gosha Grachevsky

“I decided to try my hand at country music and recorded this song. I was very pleased with the result, and Oksana, having heard this composition, decided to use it at the show and invited me as a guest to the “Street Fashion Show 2019”. I am grateful to her for appreciating my work and offering to work with this track and my other songs in the future. But now I would like them to sound not in recordings, but in live performance. I will be happy to perform at the show and participate in it as a musician,” the artist concluded.

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