Pliev Grigory Dzambolatovich (1913-1999). Poet, playwright, translator

Gregory (Grish) Pliev was born on October 30 of 1913, in South Ossetia, in the village of Rook.

At the age of 22 he graduated from the acting department of GITIS. He went through the entire war, was awarded three orders and many medals. After the war, Grigory Pliev worked as director of the North Ossetian Drama Theater, then as executive editor of the magazine “Mach Dug”. Already in 1933, the first collection of the poet’s poems entitled “Winged Years” was published.

In the poetic work of Grigori Pliyev comprehensively reflected the depth of the national spirit and the best features of the mountaineer: love of work, respect for elders, courage, love of country, sublime self-esteem, passed down in culture of the region from generation to generation. As a result of creative self-determination, in the poetry of Pliyev there are moral and philosophical reflections on the meaning of life, on human existence, on infinite female love, on their compatriots left and the heavy losses of life.

All the work of Grigori Pliev is saturated with deep and sincere feelings for his native land and its nature. National pride is the most important aspect of national identity, one of the elements of social consciousness, originating from the land of the fathers. Moreover, in Grigory Pliev's poetry there is an inner essence of the unity of his particular, national with universal, which allowed the poet to deeply know the inner world of a person and the peculiarities of his life.

Many poems in the works of the national poet of Ossetia are devoted to the Great Patriotic War. The soldier of war in them is shown in double coverage: from the author and his attitude to the war, and from the point of view of the collective and the individual. So, this is the military situation, the trenches, comrades, retreats and victories, on the one hand, but also the socio-historical and moral-political factors that determined the actions and actions of soldiers and workers, on the other hand.

Another topic widely covered in the works of Grigori Pliev is devoted to a small homeland and countrymen. Home for the poet is a shrine, this is the mother, this is the place of birth and upbringing. “Fire of the hearth” is one of the works of the poet, telling that all roads to the world lead from the home, which always serves as a support in the difficult path of each person.

Another creative line is Pliev’s lyrics, where life experience is refracted in the form of a lyrical narrative from forms in the form of sad and tragic notes, right up to life-affirming pathos. “Songs are flowing” is a typical example of such a poet’s lyrics:

All our land is full of songs,
And where to get from the song!
As it does not drive away, it will still return to the heart.
You can’t live without it, without it - like a day without light,
Who without a song is that poor man
But there are no such people anywhere near ...

In general, in his many-sided art, Grigory Pliev comprehensively showed a man in war and in peaceful life, in tragic circumstances and in choosing his life path, in the struggle with the elements of nature and the difficult circumstances of life in society.

The most valuable in the poetry of Pliev was the unity of universal principles in the artistic generalization and embodiment of the poet in the actions and deeds, feelings and thoughts of the hero as the bearer of humanistic ideas and moral values ​​accumulated by mankind:

Next - eight dead children,
Eight young pines,
Without needles and without branches -
Thin, dried, inanimate.
And I stood, a soldier seasoned,
And he looked like in the forest, in front of me,
The tree is crying ...
Human tears in the war! ..

During his long, fruitful life, the poet wrote and published more than fifteen books, poems and plays. The most famous of Grigory Pliev’s poetic works were the dramatic works “Chermen”, “Trust”, “Who are you laughing at?”, “Disobedient”, “Soslan-Tsarazon” and others, which were successfully presented on the stage of many theaters in the Soviet Union and Russia. Among the poems, “Seven Circassian Women” has long been revered, and among the films shot based on the script by Grigory Pliev, “Chermen”. The poet made many translations into the Ossetian language of works of Russian and foreign classical literature - Lermontov, Moliere, Pushkin, Goldoni, Ben Jonson, Ostrovsky, Shakespeare and several others.

In honor of the outstanding thinker, poet and playwright Grigory Pliev, the library and the palace of culture in the village (the district center of the Prigorodny district of North Ossetia), a street in Vladikavkaz and a street in Tskhinval are named. The best students of North Ossetia receive scholarships named after G.D. Plieva.



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