Irina Bondareva. "Autumn"

Irina Bondareva. "Autumn"

Irina Bondareva


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Autumn always comes unexpectedly
Summer whispered back.
The morning was covered with thick fog
The sky of bottomless sadness.
The rain sings a quiet song
A leaf fell off a branch.
Autumn guesses on my palm,
That love will find me.

And autumn in every sound of rain
They are so mysterious and unsteady
And under the dim light of a lantern
Like notes, the leaves are spinning.
Warm blanket, strong coffee and honey -
My soul is warmed a little
It touches the rain minor chord
Do not be sad, autumn will tell me.

And autumn plays with leaf fall,
Rain stains on the windows.
White birds flying over me
They yelled "bye" to me!
Soft rustle of autumn melodies
Lies in a music notebook.
Autumn, show me the way of love
Where will he wait for me?
A small loss.

And autumn in every sound of rain
They are so mysterious and unsteady
And under the dim light of a lantern
Like notes, the leaves are spinning.
Warm blanket, strong coffee and honey -
My soul is warmed a little
It touches the rain minor chord
Do not be sad, autumn will tell me.

Warm blanket, strong coffee and honey -
My soul is warmed a little
It touches the rain minor chord
Do not be sad, autumn will tell me.

A new song by Irina Bondareva has been released - “Autumn”