Islam Itlyashev presented his version of the track “I'm not sorry”

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An unusual novelty appeared in the repertoire of a popular Caucasian artist Islam Itlyasheva @islam_itlyashev - the singer quailed the composition of Arslanbek Sultanbekov "I am not sorry."

The words to this song were written by Dosmambet Azauli, the founder of Nogai poetry, who lived 500 years ago, and the music by Arslanbek Sultanbekov.

The composition, from the perspective of the main character, tells the story of the life of a nomad who fought with Mamai. She talks about long journeys, battles and conquests. “A camel with luggage is my entire caravan. “I have traveled to many distant countries,” the composition says, “no matter what I did in my life, now I don’t regret anything...”

You can listen to the single “I'm not sorry” performed by Islam Itlyashev from today on the largest digital venues and on our website.

Listen and download the song of Islam Itlyashev “I am not sorry”


The lyrics of Islam Itlyashev’s song “I’m not sorry”

In river valleys so often for a long time
I wandered my tent
I do not regret it

It's not the moon shining over me
I put a steel helmet on my head

I do not regret it
Camel with luggage - my whole caravan
I went around a lot of distant countries
Across the steppe of the best herds
I chose hot horses

Pulled a tight bowstring
And the enemy fell slain on the grass

I do not regret it
Strong hand held ax
And each of the arrows had a mark

I do not regret it
Camel with luggage - my whole caravan
I went around a lot of distant countries
Across the steppe of the best herds
I chose hot horses

In tents of different I knew bliss
Tired of beauties kissed

I do not regret it
That I did not do in my life
Now no regrets

I do not regret it
With such as Mamai in the same ranks
For faith, I fearlessly give my life

With such as Mamai in the same ranks
For faith, I fearlessly give my life

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