The story of one track. How was the hit "Kalym" born? ..

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Tomorrow Poetry Day is celebrated around the world, and for a music publishing company that works with many talented poets, this is also a special day. After all, they gave the public a lot of hits that won the love of listeners across the country.

One of these authors is Amirina. Her songs performed by southern stars are known and loved far beyond the Caucasus. One song "Kalym", performed by Murat Thagalegovawhat is worth! Almost immediately after the publication, it became an invariable part of the musical accompaniment of weddings of people of various nationalities. Hot, incendiary, memorable ...

How hits are born

But how are hits born? And is it possible to predict their birth? We decided to ask Amirina herself about this ...

— Amirina, please tell us how your poetic activity began?

— My first poems appeared at the age of 12. As a child, I was very fond of reading and often spent time with a book in my hand, reading another work.

— What inspires you?

Amirina and Murat Tkhagalegov

— Probably, like every author, I am inspired by life itself to create poetry. It seems to me that a creative person can notice something that in ordinary life will remain invisible to others, and if you add a little more imagination, then quite possibly you will end up with a masterpiece!

— How did your path as a songwriter begin?

“It so happened that my poetry was born at the same time as music. I have never adopted other people's creativity, because it seemed to me that no one could convey and express my feelings the way I myself do. For almost eight years now I have been collaborating with the music publishing house “Sound M”, and I am eternally grateful to it for its tremendous support, for the development and maintenance of culture as a whole!

— Tell us the story of the creation of the track “Kalym”.

— The text of the sensational hit “Kalym” appeared to me shortly before I met Murat Thagalegov. His first work was the composition “Native”, which listeners immediately fell in love with. After which, without thinking twice, I suggested the track “Kalym”, and it “shot”!

— Did you expect then that “Kalym” would become an absolute hit?

- Nobody expected this. But there was a premonition that listeners would love the song. After such a resounding success, my fellow artists literally bombarded me with requests to write songs for them, to repeat the success of this composition. But so far it has not been possible to get closer to Kalym.

— What do you think is the success of this track?

— I think it’s because it’s an easy and catchy dance tune, with clear lyrics. The meaning of this song is that all riches are nothing compared to a real and sincere feeling!

- So, the statement that it is almost impossible to predict the birth of a hit, right?

— Yes, it’s very difficult to calculate that a new track could become a hit in the future, but there is always a slight premonition that this or that song will still be more or less popular.

Amirina: “All riches are nothing compared to a real and sincere feeling!”

— Amirina, thank you very much for the conversation! We congratulate you on today's wonderful holiday and wish you inexhaustible inspiration, bright ideas and, of course, new hits!

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