“Kavkaz Music” and Rustam Nakhushev presented the track “Daheklei”

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Love song for a beautiful girl who lived under the sun of the south

Another novelty from a popular Caucasian artist Rustam Nakhusheva @ r.nahushev - the singer presented his version of the author’s song by Husen Shalov “Daheklei”, whose name in the translation from the Circassian language means “Beautiful”.

Rustam Nakhushev
Rustam Nakhushev

“This is an incredibly melodic composition that sings about love for the most beautiful girl who lived under the sun of the south. I decided to perform this song because I knew and loved it since childhood, ever since I heard it performed by Khusen Shalov. Now I hope to breathe new life into it,” comments the performer.

Listen and download Rustam Nakhushev's song “Daheklei”


Lyrics of Rustam Nakhushev's "Daheklei"

G'emahuer ikIime Bzhihyam dwduwok Iuer Ue umineshchay.
Gathe zepyture DateIum di gashashieri YekhekInkye uey.

We are si uerediri Guheluu sieri Uezakauersch zeyr si psem fIeefefure si lagunyugeri Warshch si dakhekNUMXey.
We are Si Weredyri Gukhelu SiIeri Uezakauersch Zeir Si psem fIeefefure Si Si lagunyugeri Wersh Si Dahak1ey.

Shchjej and nasypir Shhjej and pIeschhyagyri Di Thiem qythuueugues Zhegueguyuham zhaIeri Ue uydydaIueure Xi pse play yepage.
We are si uerediri Guheluu sieri Uezakauersch zeyr si psem fIeefefure si lagunyugeri Warshch si dakhekNUMXey.

We are si uerediri Guheluu sieri Uezakauersch zeyr si psem fIeefefure si lagunyugeri Warshch si dakhekNUMXey.
Se ue sypIuple'me We sigu kueuekIemi ZysfIehuezhyr ui We are duneyshuemi Hyezhebzu schiIeham SerkIe uraleishch.

We are si uerediri Guheluu sieri Uezakauersch zeyr si psem fIeefefure si lagunyugeri Warshch si dakhekNUMXey.
We are si ueredyri Guhelyu siIeri Uezyzakuersch zeir Si psem fIeIefIure Si lagyunygeri Uersch Si dahek1ey"

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