“Kavkaz Music” presents Zaur Tkhagalegov's album “Nybzheeguher”

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The premiere of Zaur Tkhagalegov's album "Nybzheeguher" ("Friends")

The track list of the album includes 7 compositions in Kabardian, the authorship of most of which belongs to the performer.

Zaur Thagalegov
Zaur Thagalegov

“Friends” is a song that talks about friendly relations, sincere feelings of brotherly hearts. The single “Alim” is dedicated to the memory of the late boy from KBR, he was wonderful, a very sad composition. The tracks “Botashey”, “Cherek” and “Hetway” are dedicated to beautiful villages. “Kahun” is a dedication to my native village, where I grew up, where I spent my childhood,” said Zaur.

You can get acquainted with the new product right now - listen to the album Zaura Thagalegova @thagalegov_zaur "Nybzhegaher" on our website and on all digital display cases.

Listen and download Zaur Tkhagalegov's album “Nybzheeguher”


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