“Kavkaz Music” presents: Aminat Napsheva “Shigu ukiridzeme”

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A new track from the Kavkaz Music label has been released - “Sigu ukyridzeme” (“Remembering You”) by Aminat Napsheva

Aminat Napshev
Aminat Napshev

“I heard this song about 10 years ago, performed by some harmonica, I was not very satisfied with what I heard in the musical component, but the words of this song were insanely hooked, they are very moving, sincere. I once thought about it, laid it in my repertoire, but we sang it only under the harmonica, only in live performance.
We found the original and recorded as close to it as possible, observing all sizes and measures. The strength of these old songs is that they preserve the emotional impulse of the author, his thoughts, emotions of feeling. A person doesn’t just write like that, so it’s very important for me to keep the original sound of the songs.
I really like Kabardian, Circassian songs. Kabardian speech, it is distinguished by its melodiousness, wealth. Because every word in a phrase can be interpreted in the most unexpected, beautiful way. Very melodious language, incredibly melodious, I want to sing on it.
The song is about love, about the feelings that a girl has for a guy, about the fact that there are ethics and norms of relationships in the Caucasus between a man and a woman, and that these moral norms do not allow her to tell him what she is experiencing. But feelings live in her and are sung in this song,” said Aminat.

Listen and download the composition of Aminat Napseva “Sigu ukyiridzemé” on our website and on digital music venues.

Listen and download Aminat Napseva’s song “Sigu ukyridzeme”


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