"Kavkaz Music" presents: the new single of the Khubiev brothers - "Sonsppappleeure"

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Love in its embodiment is beautiful, but the intricacies of fate do not always lead to a good ending. And so it happened in the story of the new song Kazbek and Alibek Khubiev “Sons of Chappleeure” (“Waiting for a Meeting”).

The composition tells about a young man who selflessly fell in love with a beauty. It seemed to him that she reciprocated his feelings and that they were destined to be together. But doubts and anxiety overwhelmed the young man when one of his rivals whispered to his beloved. These doubts turned out to be not in vain - the beauty was stolen by his very rival. And the heart of the main character of the song was broken...

Listen and download the track “Sinippappleeure” on our website.

Listen and download the song of the Khubiev brothers “Sons


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