The clip "She loved roses" was appreciated in the program "Evening Urgant"

NewsThe clip "She loved roses" was appreciated in the program "Evening Urgant"

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How many views does the clip have? Islam Itlyasheva "She loved roses" on YouTube?

March 18 on the TV show "Evening Urgant" popular artists Max Barskikh and Zivert
tried to guess this figure under the heading "Sievert counter".

Guests of Ivan Urgant, having watched an excerpt from the video, replied that there are supposedly 500000 or 300000 views. And then Ivan Urgant, who called the video "She loved roses" one of his favorites, showed them the real figure - more than 46000000!

“You recorded a duet with the wrong one, Yulia,” Ivan joked about the premiere of the singer’s duet with Max Barskikh.

Islam Itlyashev filmed the video clip “She Loved Roses” for three days - in Cherkessk and Stavropol, and in search of the most suitable plot for the song, two versions were made. As a result, the final version, which shows a sad love story, became the final one. The main female role in it was played by Valeria Ladygina.

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