Angelica Nacheva, appearing at the next event, again struck the audience with a dress of amazing beauty!
The exclusive outfit became the embodiment of the singer’s new design idea, which was inspired by colors: “In the fabric store I saw a wonderful color palette of dense satin and among the variety of shades I immediately found my favorite - pale pink, as well as grass-green that matches perfectly with it . An image of a dress with leaves and a rose immediately appeared in my head, which I had long wanted to reproduce in reality ... ”
As planned, a huge rose should be located on the back, but in the end it turned out to be so attractive that it became a pity to hide such beauty and, after consulting with her fashion designer, Angelica decided to make it the main element on the dress in front.
Eugenia Zvolinskaya has been helping 10 to realize her numerous singer’s design ideas for years. Together they create original models for the huge wardrobe of the artist.
By the way, she seriously thinks about launching her clothing line and, in her free time, is working on creating her own collection. So, probably, in the near future we will be able to try on the outfits born of the bottomless creative talent of the many-sided Angelica Nachesova.