“Kavkaz Music” label presented Ibragim Maremkulov's mini-album “Zykefschlazh”

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Meet Ibragim Maremkulov's new EP - "Zyk'efshhlezh"

The album “Zyk'efschlage” included two singles in the Kabardian language: “Zyk'efschlage” (“Come to your senses”) and “Si Ane” (“Mom”). The music for both compositions was written by the performer himself.

Ibrahim Maremkulov
Ibrahim Maremkulov

“I put the most intimate and valuable things into these songs: in the relationship between spouses it is fidelity, and in relation to the mother it is gratitude and care. In the lines of both of these compositions, I call on the listener to true and selfless love!” says the artist.

Listen and download Ibragim Maremkulov’s album - “Zyk’efshhlezh”


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