The label “Kavkaz Music” presents a new product - Oksana Dzhelieva “Sudzy Zarda”

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"Suzy zarda" is the name of a new composition in the Ossetian language, performed Oksana Dzhelieva @oksana_dzhelieva_official and published today.

Oksana Dzhelieva
Oksana Dzhelieva

“Sometimes there are many disappointments in life, and you are waiting for true love. If a new feeling knocks on you, no need to wait, you need to open the doors and rush to this love! To rejoice at her arrival is what this song is about. We translated the title as “Heart hurts” because it sounds better, but literally “heart is burning”. Burning with new love. After all, when you wait for her, your heart burns, hurts in anticipation of her. It is necessary to open the door of new love, because time is fleeting, be sure to have time to let her in! " - says the artist.

Listen and download the single “Suzy Zarda” right now on our website.

Listen and download Oksana Dzhelieva’s song “Suzy Zarda”


Lyrics of Oksana Dzhelieva "Suzy Zarda"

Suzy zarda, suzy ..
Foot warzt kyod bahosta dem
Revds Föhlou,
Ivgyuid Tsard at Terchy Donau,
Fourd Dam Nou
Kad yertsidi oarzty regest,
Going away
Yonghyomo Kyosin, tagd yortsu mem,
Kuryn de ..
Suzy zerdo, suzy, basygyd fyr uarztey,
Huazar kuy baha'ud ,, bast at the fast.
Yonyo deuyuy, Kuyd Rissa, oh my dick hai,
Yonyo deuyuyu feotsёrёn nal is, nal myn ny.

Aguyrtam kёrodziyi max
rye rye.
Amondoy Udyem kёd Roch
Gyee ёdder.
My My Hur Ballidysty
neo femeldmyo
Nkjard udysty style
Daeumyo bölgyo.

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