The famous Caucasian singer, composer and producer Margarita Biragova in a short interview with the "Zvuk-M" correspondent shared her thoughts on contemporary pop art and gave advice to novice performers

Margarita Biragova
Margarita Biragova

Does everyone urge you, as a musician and singer, to keep up with fashion trends?

I can only partially agree. You need to be on the wave of modern music in a good sense of the word. Much of what has now become fashionable is tasteless as always! Such music has no future, it can live like a one-day butterfly only here and now. It is important to be able to sift through musical styles, choose the best, then in which you will harmoniously combine. Many of the modern trends are based on well-known old ones, they are simply transformed and fragmentarily borrowed. It is easy to determine by ear, if there is one. You may not know musical notation, but you must distinguish by ear.

Your main assistant is not musical education, because many certified musicians play and sing someone else's, without creating anything of their own! We know many great artists who never learned to paint anywhere, but created masterpieces!

Who do you feel yourself if you sing imitating others and focusing on other people's creativity? So there are those who create musical fashion, even the most ridiculous, and those who blindly follow it, because others have picked up this wave. What is the era, so is the music, alas ...

Create without looking around, just watch the sound quality, you need to advance in this, do not be lazy, be in constant search. But beautiful music and poetry will never go out of fashion, as the true beauty of the soul and body! The artificial and the fake have a short age!

Most always think they are on the right track. They choose leaders they deserve in principle, then they overthrow them. Most do not know what the meaning of life is and simply echo the wisdom of others, imitate those who are cooler, compete and share something all the time.

Most have come up with their own rules and laws, trampling the laws established by the universal mind, which they hesitate to call God, because to recognize Him means to recognize their accountability! So who am I to follow if most have forgotten that they are like steam that appears for a short time and then disappears? People have gone too far and lost their way.

If it were not so, then we would see most of the happy, contented, smiling people! But around us there are more and more pretending and playing happiness, playing love, playing friendship, playing wise men. They are slaves to fear and doubt, they are victims of complexes and servants of gluttony. I'm sorry for this majority, but I'm not on my way with them.