Michael Turetsky opened tenderness Nastasya Sambursky

PremieresMichael Turetsky opened tenderness Nastasya Sambursky

Concert videos

A new video from the “Turetsky Choir” has been released - “You are so tender”

On March 11, 2019, the premiere of the new video of the “Turetsky Choir” took place - for Lev Shapiro’s song “You are so tender”. This video, shot by director Kirill Drenyasov, became a kind of dedication to all women who recently celebrated the wonderful holiday of March 8th.

Michael Turetsky
Michael Turetsky

“In honor of the spring holiday, we shot an elegant video for the song “You are so tender.” The most precious thing in a real man’s life is a woman. Remember that everything in the world is for you, love each other. Love is happiness,” said Mikhail Turetsky.

The main character of the clip was Nastasya Samburskaya

Nastasya Samburskaya
Nastasya Samburskaya

“Tender, just like me, a song about me! If it weren’t about me, I wouldn’t have started filming,” the actress shared her impressions during filming.

According to the script, Nastasya plays the role of Inessa Khabalkina, a famous Moscow actress. “I’m not playing myself here, but the feeling people get from my image,” Nastasya noted.

The main character's friends were performed by the Turkish sisters, Sarina and Natalya. At the end of the video, all the characters meet at a big Italian celebration. The shooting took place in the capital's restaurant "Turadont".

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