Murat Thagalegov c new song - "Why?"

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Murat Tkhagalegov presented a new song "Why"

Lately Murat Thagalegov  often pleases fans of new music. His close cooperation with the author and composer Timur Kitov led to the birth of songs, in which the theme of love is revealed in not trivial, but from no less familiar to all stories. And if in previous track the artist sang about the life of an abandoned woman who suddenly lost everything, then the new track is devoted to selfishness in relationships ...

“There are lines in the chorus,” comments Timur Kitov, “...why do I need such love, I actually don’t know. I’m spoiling both of our blood, even though I’m trying to change myself…” - this is just about how often we “torture” each other by staying close to people who can no longer make us happy. It is not right. You should not deceive yourself and the expectations of another person. It's better to let go. I think in this song many will recognize their situation, because very often, out of fear of loneliness, we cling to what is falling apart before our eyes...”

You can already listen and download Murat Thagalegov’s new song in all digital stores. Including: iTunes, Google play, Apple music, Beeline Music, Yandex.Music, as well as in the BOOM application (for users of the social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki).

Listen and download the song "Why" by Murat Tkhagalegov


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