Murat Thagalegov “No in the whole world” - new single!

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Fans of Caucasian music will appreciate the novelty from Murat Tkhagalegov - the artist recorded a remake of the song "There is no in the whole world"

Listeners are probably familiar with the words "this night at your window, I'm waiting for you, my beloved ...". This composition has already been presented in its versions Rustam Nakhushev и Azamat Pheskhov... Today I breathed new life into her Murat Thagalegov, and arranged the track Rustam Sheudzhen.

You can listen to the single “No in the whole world” on digital platforms and on our website.

Listen and download the song of Murat Tkhagalegov "There is no in the whole world"


Lyrics of Murat Tkhagalegov's song "There is no in the whole world"

Sweetheart, my love
Why don't you look at me
The night so dark passes
I am standing under your window
The night so dark passes
I am standing under your window

In the whole world there is no more beautiful you
You are no more beautiful, my dear
In the whole world there is no more beautiful you
You are no more beautiful, my dear

You don't know how I love you
That I stand and here I always wait
This night at your window
I'm waiting for you, my love
This night at your window
I'm waiting for you, my love

In the whole world there is no more beautiful you
You are no more beautiful, my dear
In the whole world there is no more beautiful you
You are no more beautiful, my dear

The stars only shine for
To look out the window
Only a month knows how I wait
My dear, my beloved
Only a month knows how I wait
My dear, my beloved

In the whole world there is no more beautiful you
You are no more beautiful, my dear
In the whole world there is no more beautiful you
You are no more beautiful, my dear

In the whole world there is no more beautiful you
You are no more beautiful, my dear
In the whole world there is no more beautiful you
You are no more beautiful, my dear

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