“At Dawn” - premiere of Rustam Nakhushev’s single and video!

Premieres"At Dawn" - the premiere of the single and video by Rustam Nakhushev!

Concert videos

Rustam Nakhushev
Rustam Nakhushev

“At Dawn” is a kind, positive composition, which I gladly want to share with my listeners, says Rustam Nakhushev. Now work on a fresh repertoire is going on very closely, new and new ideas are appearing, so during the pandemic I am actively working their implementation.
And I want to give the listeners a pleasant mood, wish good spirits, bright days and wish you a Happy New Year! "

Together with the release of the single on digital platforms, the performer also released a video version of the track. The video was filmed in Moscow, directed by Zelimkhan Dzhabrailov @zelimization.

Listen and download Rustam Nakhushev's song "At Dawn"


Lyrics of Rustam Nakhushev's song "At Dawn"

Came out early in the morning at dawn
Look at the world and suddenly noticed

The sun is shining it means you catch your luck
And do not whine over trifles, my friend!
The sun is shining it means you catch your luck
And do not whine over trifles, my friend!

Speak only good things
If you can't, just keep quiet

Do not rush to give advice, know with whom you share secrets
If you love, love sincerely!
Do not rush to give advice, know with whom you share secrets
If you love, love sincerely!

Answer goodness mutually
Well, if you get a knife in the back

Vengeance is served cold, but remember to yourself
Life itself will punish you.
Vengeance is served cold, but remember to yourself
Life itself will punish you.

Living every day, you my brother
Gathering good or sins

Remember everything you are filled with is your face
You alone are responsible for it.
Remember everything you are filled with is your face
You alone are responsible for it.

Came out again in the morning at dawn
Look at the world and suddenly noticed

People began to smile, to help in everything to try
Happiness is near, it is in the little things.
People began to smile, to help in everything to try
Happiness is near, it is in the little things.

Happiness is near, it is in the little things.

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