New! Betal Ivanov "Xi ane"

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A new song by Betala Ivanov was released in Kabardian language

Betal Ivanov presented a new composition in the Kabardian language - a touching song filled with tenderness and warmth, which sings about love for a mother - “Si ane” (“My mother”).

Betal Ivanov
Betal Ivanov

“This is the song of my childhood,” says the performer, “my father wrote it in honor of his mother, so I often heard it as a child. This is one of my favorite paternal compositions, so I decided to re-record it in a new way and dedicate it to all mothers who, despite all the difficulties of life, try to do everything for their children. I want this track to become a reminder that we have no one closer and dearer than our mothers.”

Starting today, the single "Bet An Ivanov" "Xi ane" is available for listening and downloading in all digital storefronts.

Listen and download Betal Ivanov's song "Xi ane"


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