Arthur Dyshekov presented a new single in Kabardian. A song called “Nisegafle Wered” (“Bride's Chanting”) was written by the author of the music and lyrics. Timur Losanov.

“Nyseg’afle uered” are a very important part of the ceremony (nysashe) of taking the bride among the Circassians,” explains the author of the track, “I took this as a basis and wrote music, then words and, after a lot of work in the recording studio, a whole composition was born in the wonderful performance of our soloist Artur Dyshekov.
The song "Nysagafle Wered" is a very specific piece. It is intended only for the chanting of the bride during the ceremony of taking away. While other compositions can be performed during the game of Jagu.
There are many such melodies as “Nysegafle wered” in the archives and they are beautiful in their archaic. My version is written in a modern style both in words and in harmony. Today, young girls themselves form music to which they would like to see the ceremony of withdrawal from home. My work is completely original, but at the same time, it complies with all the traditional canons. I wish you a pleasant listening and, of course, great happiness to all the brides! ”