Rustam Nakhushev's new author's single - “Dreams”!

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Continuing to share your memories with the public, Rustam Nakhushev @ r.nahushev released a track called "Dreams", in which he painfully described a story that is in love when the hopes are not met, dreams remain dreams, and relationships collapse before our eyes ...

Rustam Nakhushev
Rustam Nakhushev

“Such melodic, lyrical compositions are a special part of my work. It’s good to think about them, it’s nice to be sad ... I always loved these songs, wrote and performed them with pleasure.
The plot of this single is a story about how a girl believed in what she invented for herself, but in reality this fairy tale turned out to be just her dreams. I, too, have been in similar situations, I also did not live up to someone’s expectations and watched as relationships came to naught because of this. It was this experience that was reflected in the lines of the track. By the way, he was born literally in half an hour. This is generally a separate type of inspiration, when a thought suddenly comes, born of surging emotions and memories, and then you just throw it all out! I’m sure many will understand what I sing about in this song and draw the right conclusions for themselves,” comments the performer.

Listen to Rustam Nakhushev's single "Dreams" is already possible on digital platforms and on our website.

Listen and download Rustam Nakhushev's song "Dreams"


Lyrics of Rustam Nakhushev's song "Dreams"

A candle burns on your table
Where are you sitting alone now
He left and left the cold after
Whispers another sweet words

He took love with him forever
He does not know how the soul hurts
You all wait and believe again
That he has only you alone

Dreams were sweet dreams
Feelings of deceit and false words
Dreams it's a pity that these were dreams
Bitter tears and broken hearts

Dim light and burn out the candle
Dreams burn with her
Not guilty did not betray you
He loved another, and you loved him

How does this happen in this life
That love is so cruel
Life doesn't make sense without him.
Your dreams and the candle is not burning

Dreams were sweet dreams
Feelings of deceit and false words
Dreams it's a pity that these were dreams
Bitter tears and broken hearts

Dreams were sweet dreams
Feelings of deceit and false words
Dreams it's a pity that these were dreams
Bitter tears and broken hearts

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