New release from “Kavkaz Music”: Azamat Pheskhkhov “Mis Uphoesh lagunyung”

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Azamat Pheskhov @azamat_pkheshkhov presented a new single in the Circassian language "Mies aphuedesh lagunyyuger" ("Such love").

Azamat Pheskhov
Azamat Pheskhov

“This song was written by the teachers of the music school where I studied. The text is by Elena Daurova, a teacher of the native language, and the melody is by music teacher Lidiya Tamazova.
Once again, leafing through a huge archive of songs written by my mentors, I came across this composition. It caught my attention and I decided to fulfill it. I hope fans of my work will also appreciate this track,” comments the artist.

You can listen to “Ms. Uphudesh lagunyunger” by Azamat Pheskhov on our website.

Listen and download Azamat Pheskhov’s song “Ms. Uphuesht lagunyung”


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