Oksana Kosova: “The song“ How I Treat ”gives a summer mood!”

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Today a new composition was released performed by a young talented singer - Oksana Kosova presented the song “How I Fly”, written by Gregory Stadnik.

Listen and download the song “How I Fly” by Oksana Kosova


The title of the track reflects the history of its appearance. According to the author, “How I Fly” is the first song he wrote not in his office, but on an airplane...

Grigory Stadnik
Grigory Stadnik

“Initially it was called “To Heaven,” shares Grigory Stadnik, “but later I remade it. This is a story about love, and not unhappy, but happy. Established, intentional, but a little sick - the feelings of two crazy people. That’s why so many metaphors were used—the text contains moments from the heroine’s life and my autobiographical ones. They are reflected in the phrases: “we are naked to the core”, “the snow is melting into clouds” and many others that I really like. This is a hit story, a fashionable arrangement, an interesting text, but the most important element of the project is Oksana herself. She symbolizes a strong, beautiful girl, decent, open to the world and communication. Intellect and sexuality coexist perfectly in her, and they are presented not vulgarly, but correctly. Her aspirations, her healthy lifestyle, the way she approaches her work, all this makes the project even more vibrant, alive, filling and energizing.”

Oksana herself said that the manner of Gregory to write and his musical vision, at first glance, or rather, listening, conquered her.

“They send me a lot of material, but it always sticks with me,” the singer comments. “I found Gregory on Instagram, went to his page, got acquainted with the songs he created, and wanted to work with him too. We found a common language very quickly. Firstly, we have a musical background (smiles), and secondly, we are both from the Urals, the same jokes are understandable and funny to us, so it’s easy and pleasant to work. He is a wonderful person and an excellent professional. As soon as I heard the demo of the song “How I Fly,” I immediately felt that it was “mine”! I dried it out several times and became even more convinced that I had not made a mistake with the author’s choice. We recorded it so quickly that I don’t remember how much time it took, but it wasn’t much.
For me, this song, first of all, gives a cool summer mood! During the holidays, it will be accompanied by the fact that students can get maximum pleasure from the rest and cool weather. When I put it on or sing it myself, I imagine such a picture: I am driving along the coast in a convertible, I fill in the song “How I Treat” and enjoy the scenery! This composition creates a mood and gives the soul lightness! ”

We invite you to get acquainted with the musical novelty, download the song "How I Fly" and enjoy the summer with Oksana Kosova!

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