“Girlfriend Night” - new from Murat Gochiyaev!

Premieres"Friend-Night" - a novelty from Murat Gochiyayev!

Concert videos

The release of a new author's single took place Murat Gochiyaev - “Friend-night.” Along with the composition, the artist also presented a video of the same name.

Murat Gochiyaev
Murat Gochiyaev

“This is a song about how girls are often deceived in love relationships, roughly speaking,“ used ”. I had the idea to write about this for a long time, but all my hands did not reach. And then one day I finally decided to "revive" this story.
To convey the emotional picture of the song more vividly, we shot a video with the team "Turquoise Sheep".
I remember it was so much fun on set that even though it was freezing outside, we didn’t really feel it. The most important and valuable thing is that everyone worked very harmoniously: they supported each other, corrected some points together, together made adjustments to certain scenes and actions. And in the end we got a beautiful video, which I hope everyone will like,” comments the performer.

Listen and download Murat Gochiyaev's song "Friend-Night"


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