Premiere of the new track “S for 7” - “Runaway”!

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A new product from “S for 7” has appeared on the windows of digital stores - the artist presented his second original track – “Runaway”. The release of the English-language single was eagerly awaited not only by the musician’s listeners, but also by guests "Irish Film Festival in Russia"who have already heard an excerpt from the new composition in the title trailer for the 13th Irish Film Festival in Russia. The co-founder of the event is Gerard Michael McCarthy himself, and the official presentation of the new song will take place on the opening day.

Gerard Michael McCarthy
Gerard Michael McCarthy

"Runaway" is not about any specific person or relationship. It's about any new encounter that seems exciting, promising, but then turns into slow, deep, destructive suffering. Open-minded people often attract a kind of negative hanger-on who feeds on positivity, sucking the life out of the “sacrifice.” The only answer is to run away. It sounds serious, but in fact the song is at least ironic, if not very sarcastic. Once you let this type of person know that you know what they are up to and how they operate, they tend to run away of their own volition.
We tried to switch from one musical style to another to reflect how a person feels in this kind of confusing, destructive relationship. The changes are subtle, and suddenly you find yourself in a different place, not where you started, where you expected to be. Disoriented, longing to get back to the beginning, but too deep in the forest to find his way home. But in the end, self-defense (and self-respect) works. And when escape is achieved, there is a feeling of relief, of take-off,” the performer described the new product.

You can already get acquainted with the single “S for 7” - “Runaway” on our website.

Listen and download the song “S for 7” - “Runaway”


Lyrics of the song "S for 7" - "Runaway"

It was a pleasure to meet you
It was a pleasure to welcome you
Then I got to know you
And everything perfect
started to go wrong

I was a fool to have loved you
I was a fool to have trusted you
Never noticed the truth
until everything perfect
Started to go wrong


you ripped apart
My heart and soul
My self-respect
Was what you table

Your treated me
like morning trash
A piece of dirt
A pile of ash


I was a fool to have loved you
I was a fool to have trusted you
Never noticed the truth
until everything perfect
Started to go wrong


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