Rami Daroka “Uj-Hash kafe” - premiere from “Kavkaz Music”

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Presented a new author’s composition today Ramie daroka @rami_daroka - “Uj-Hash Kafe” (“Kabardian Circular Dance”). According to the performer, the idea of ​​creating the track came to him when he first saw the performance of the Naltsuk ensemble.

Ramie daroka
Ramie daroka

“My composition was based on the well-known “Tenjiz Naib kafe”, to which the dancers then performed the “Uj-hash” dance. This performance inspired me to create new music that would give the opportunity to dance both uj and jagu kafu. Familiar motives, modern rhythmic interpretation - all this awakens the desire to dance from the first seconds of this composition.
I would like to express my gratitude to the people who took part in the process of creating this single - Anzor Uvizh (wind instruments), Azamat Bekov and Svetlana Urusova (vocals), Eldar Bayramakaev (violin), Dmitry Kachlaev (doula) and, of course, thanks for the idea of ​​creating choreographer of the ensemble “Naltsuk” - Ruslan Borsov!”
We invite you to get acquainted with the composition of Rami Daroka "Uj-Hash Kafe"!

Listen and download Ramie Darok’s track “Uj-Hash Kafe”


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