Reisan Magomedkerimov - premiere of the video and single "Ancestors"

PremieresReisan Magomedkerimov - premiere of the video and single "Ancestors"

Concert videos

The relationship of different generations and ethnicity rises in the song "Ancestors", to the words Mahacha Surkhaeva and music by Ruslan Aliyev

Reysan Magomedkerimov
Reysan Magomedkerimov

“For a long time I was looking for a composition on topics that are important to me: love for the Motherland, respect for elders and brotherhood between peoples. This work is one of them, and I am pleased to present it today,” says Raysan.

In the song, the artist compares generations and encourages everyone to return to the main values ​​of our life - respect and tolerance.

“This is my soul cry! It is important for me to convey to the youth that our ancestors are not only the older, but also a strong, wise generation,” Reisan comments.

“... Previously, elders were respected, revered and feared, but now ...
If the elder says a word, the young one will answer rudely, like a beast ... "

The video was filmed in black and white and does not distract the viewer from the main patriotic theme that Reisan Magomedkerimov conveys in the new song "Ancestors".

“... Our ancestors fought, divided the water into throats, and now?
There is little room for everyone on earth, just as there is little honor, only debauchery ... "

Listen and download Reisan Magomedkerimov's song "Ancestors"


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