and Zarina Bugayeva

"Zvuk-M" is a commercial music publishing house in the North Caucasus and southern Russia, the main field of activity of which is the search, production and management of Caucasian pop music, as well as the promotion of Caucasian and Russian chanson music.
Media "Music publishing house "Zvuk-M" registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR), registration number El No. FS77-77725 dated February 19, 2020.
Age restrictions for viewing content: 16+
Founders: Yugov M.Yu.; Limited Liability Company "Zvuk-M"
Chief editor of the site: Sidorenko M.V.
Editorial office email: info@zvuk-m.com
Editorial telephone number: +7 (879) 225-82-62
© Music publishing house "Zvuk-M". 2001-2025. All rights reserved.