Rezuan Maremukov presented his version of the song “Adyghe Nemys”

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Composition about Adyghe etiquette "Adyghe namys" presented today Rezuan Maremukov @rezuan_maremukov. This song, written by the poet Alim Khanfenov and composer Aslan Daurov, is known to the public by the People's Artist of the KBR and KCR Khusein Maremukov.

Rezuan Maremukov
Rezuan Maremukov

“I am glad to present to my listeners a good old song in my own arrangement. The single says that the Circassians honor and respect their beautiful customs and traditions. From time immemorial, high Adyghe culture plays a vital role in their lives. After all, honor, integrity, truthfulness, the ability to behave in society, attentiveness, respect for elders - all this together constitutes Adyghe etiquette (Adyghe Khabze, Adyghe Nemys),” says Rezuan Maremukov

Listen and download the song of Rezuan Maremukov “Adyghe Nemys”


Lyrics of Rezuan Maremukov's song “Adyghe Nemys”

Adygagye adygagye dysche
Psem and schlaseu wi wired yaus
Zahetykle nesym and nagischeu
Kythogogeshlyr adyghe namys

Kytkhonuryr ar de nehush wagueu
Ar tsyhugum guapeu kyylools
Dene Leahi Nyrires Yi Laguer
Habze dahuu adyghe namys

Nehjyzhygye nehyshlagye fasheu
Schen ladeb nehugye hurekuhi
Lepkym and shihu laguer hemiguascheu
Habze dahuu adyghe namys

Yugashchel di zhetykleflym
Flyr dzheljeplau zethure fokhus
Kypsychrehue Ue Dunheim and Neflır
Habze dahuu adyghe namys

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