Ruslan Agoev presented a new single - “Forget it”

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New in the world of Caucasian music - popular performer Ruslan Agoev @agoev_ruslan introduced a track called "Forget it." According to the artist, already now the success of this composition in the public exceeds his initial expectations.

Ruslan Agoev
Ruslan Agoev

“The song itself is very life-like, so it quickly found its audience. When I first heard it, I immediately imagined exactly how I would like to present it and, apparently, I hit the nail on the head. Judging by how it was received by fans of my work, we can safely say that many missed this topic, remembering the pain of separation due to the fault of evil tongues... This helped the track gain great popularity even before it was released on digital platforms, and inspired me to further active work. So, soon you will hear two more new beautiful, soulful songs,” the performer shared.

You can listen to Ruslan Agoev’s single “Forget” from today on all major digital services and on our website.

Listen and download Ruslan Agoev’s song “Forget it”


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